Client: City Of Houston
Location: Houston, TX
The North Canal Project comprises three separate areas for the construction of new diversion channels and channel widenings along the Buffalo Bayou and White Oak Bayou watersheds. Three project locations are Yale/Heights Bridge Area, North Canal Channel Diversion, and South Canal Diversion/Detention (in conjunction with the proposed NHHIP by TxDOT). Aurora’s role consists of identifying and evaluating all utility conflicts with the proposed/new diversion channels to reduce flood risk to Downtown Houston. Project is intended with HMGP Grant Application (DR-4332-0095) with an estimated cost of $95M.
One of the project areas included a new diversion channel to connect the White Oak Bayou near its confluence with the Buffalo Bayou, by crossing the North San Jacinto St in downtown Houston, and intersecting the rising limb of the Buffalo Bayou oxbow.
Aurora identified the potential utility conflict and constructability impact of this diversion channel to the existing 108” sanitary sewer, existing waterline, and private utilities/duct banks (to be relocated) along North San Jacinto St servicing the downtown Houston area, which included its connection to a dual-barrel siphon for a 60” relief sewer crossing White Oak Bayou. For the Yale and Heights Bridges, engineering assessments for the existing aerial water lines and other utilities are also inventoried for further relocation adjustment.
Other related design support included: interagency coordination with METRO, UPRR, BBP, DTMD, HCFCD, TxDOT, and TIRZ; engineering support of ROW issue, utility research tasks including the review of geotechnical information, record information of adjoining sewer systems, and COH sewer TV tapes; constructability and construction phasing support. Aurora developed a technical memorandum for both the risk assessment on the sewer integrity during construction and operation of the channel, as well as recommendations for the possible rehabilitation and reconstruction of the line for the COH Wastewater Operations department.