Cypress Place Drive Paving and Drainage Phases I and II

Client: Harris County
Location: Houston, TX

The project is for a neighborhood street and drainage improvement in Cypress Place Subdivision, which included Cypress Place Dr., Cypress Ct., Cypress Shadow Dr., and Cypress Way Dr. Design effort included preparation of plans, specifications, and cost estimate for widening the existing neighborhood streets and cul-de-sac with necessary design improvement of the storm sewer system, roadside ditches, sidewalks, driveways, culverts, traffic control plan, utility coordination, earthwork calculation, as well as coordination with Harris County Flood Control District on outfall condition and ExxonMobil on pipeline crossing including SUE engineering services.

Phase I project included the construction of a new drainage outfall with 6’ x 6’ RCB connecting to the existing HCFCD ditch E 132-02-00. Aurora provided final design and construction phase inspection services. Construction was completed by the work order contractor with the county.

Phase II project included the design of approximately 3,000 LF of neighborhood drainage improvements of roadside ditches, storm sewer system from 18” to 30” RCP, pre-cast junction boxes, RCBs, driveways, culverts, and widening of the existing neighborhood streets.


San Antonio

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