Miami-Dade Program Management

Client: Miami-Dade Water and Sewer Department
Location: Miami, FL

Rafael Ortega served as the Program Management Consultant to assist the MDWASD with establishing a Comprehensive Infrastructure Assessment and Replacement Program for water transmission and distribution mains. This included the preparation of condition evaluations, forensic analysis, risk assessments, and renewal option protocols. Mr. Ortega was instrumental in supporting the County in establishing a comprehensive program to evaluate, prioritize, and rehabilitate Miami-Dade County’s water transmission and distribution mains. Specific activities or tasks undertaken under

Mr. Ortega’s leadership included:
Technology Evaluation: Evaluating the various technologies the County could use for assessing the water system lines, as what was required for using these technologies.

Hydraulic Model Confirmation: This task involved reviewing the County’s water model for the water transmission and distribution mains and simulating several shut-down scenarios to confirm the accuracy and completeness of the hydraulic model. Shut-down results were then compared to actual field pressure recordings from recent physical shutdowns of key transmission lines.

Condition Assessment: Determining the condition of the water mains through observation, manned entry assessments, and indirect monitoring. This task included the evaluation of 96”, 54”, and 48” PCCP and DIP lines with a specific focus on sections of pipe previously rehabilitated using carbon fiber reinforced polymer (CFRP) systems. This assignment required developing County testing and inspection protocols.

Prioritization: Prioritizing water mains that need remediation based on technical, environmental, and societal criteria.

Technical Support: Providing the County with technical support for the repairing/replacing/ rehabilitating of the deteriorated water mains.


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